Riding Amongst Wildlife

Our trails are located in a rare, inland temperate rainforest ecosystem. We share this land with many creatures, large and small. In order to avoid wildlife encounters:

  • Avoid surprising animals. Make noise while riding, and ride slowly around sharp corners and areas with reduced visibility. A startled animal may react defensively.

  • Stay alert so you know if they’re around. Look out for scat and other signs of wildlife. Don’t ride with headphones.

  • Keep your dog on leash. Dogs can startle and chase animals and cause them to flee for great distances. They can also bring wildlife back to their owners.

  • If you do encounter a wild animal on the trails, keep a safe distance of at least 100 m for bears and at least 30 m for other large, non-predatory animals.

  • Carry bear spray. For advice on bear encounters, check out this guide by the Whistler Off-road Cycling Association.

For more information on recreating safely amongst wildlife, visit WildsafeBC and Revelstoke Bear Aware

Wildlife Tracking

In order to be good trail stewards, we are asking all trail users to record their wildlife encounters while out biking, hiking, or running. You can use the form below to share your encounters with your fellow trail users. We hope this information will be used to inform trail choices so we can do our best to avoid disturbing animals in nature.

If you have a dangerous encounter with wildlife, please report it to the Conservation Officer Service.

You can view a list of all reports by clicking here.